Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 2015 Treasures- #snapshotsmakemesmile:)

I realisze I have not posted any of my treasures for very long time.  I decided instead of posting every day that I would take on this snap challenge and then share at the end of the month.  So here we go for March.

Found this website that has a challenge to take every day.  It has really helped me focus my attention and help me find some great treasures, thinking outside the "box", the typical "treasure box" that is.  So I have posted these through instagram and will post them with the date and what I said for each.  I started on March 4th. . .here goes.

 March 4 challenge- a clock. A fitting day for this challenge. Today is my brother's birthday! Crazy how time continues to tick away. It is very important that the time we have is used to make ourselves and those around us better. Always showing love and kindness.

One of these things is not like the other. My good friend Terri at work came in today with shoes that are not quite the same. I asked if she would be my foot model for my photo challenge. March 5 challenge, feet. Classic!

Todays challenge was Happiness. The temple is one place where I feel happiness, see happiness, touch happiness! This morning I went with our young women. March 6

March 7- Today my challenge was "luck" I have never really liked using that word. I believe in the word BLESSED. These two people are one of the greatest blessings in my life. I feel truly blessed to be their daughter! Who I am today is in most part because of who they are.

Challenge for Mar 8- the sky. When I went to take a snap of the sky it was clear and blue, not very exciting. After a bit, I was so blessed to find quite a few clouds to mix it up.

March 9 challenge: Two things. Here are two green coats/jackets that have kept me warm this winter. One is older then the other, but both continue to serve me well.

When It old Daniel that the challenge for my snap was"two things" he said, "we are two things, aren't we?" Point well taken, and snap too.  (March 9) #ericaheartsdaniel

Mar 10 challenge- the ground. My daffodils are forming flowers, getting ready to bloom. Roots out of the ground in our yard made for an interesting snap.

March 11- contentment. I have been content here at Providence Hall for, can you believe it, 6 years. Doing things I loved, and finally made it to my dream this year. Full time elementary librarian. CONTENT!

Mar 12 challenge- your name. I originally wanted to take pictures of what my name meant, but Daniel pointed out all these cool things I had with my name on it. 

Mar 13- I did not take the top one, but I did take the bottom one. Prized possession, friendship and Tracy's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream at Leatherby's. Love it all!!!

Mar 14 challenge- breakfast. I love a nice warm bowl of oatmeal with a side of supplements. Okay, not the supplements so much, but glad that they help the bod.

Mar 15 challenge- someone I love. There are many people I could have snapped for this challenge, however He is the one I most look up to, and want to be like. My Savior is the perfect friend, brother, and mentor. He is true love in every sense of the phrase.

Mar 16 challenge- my street. Early in the morn!

St Patty Day challenge, GREEN of course. Here is something green, one of my favorite physical attributes.

Mar 18- Todays snap challenge "something old" I am the blessed decedent that gets to store my great grandpa Holt's storytelling chair. I have heard stories about him from my grandfather sitting in this chair. I never knew him, but look forward to hearing his stories!!

March 19 challenge- "a pair" here is the pair of mandrins that I did not get to eat today. Thursdays this year have been super crazy, a 15 min lunch is the only break I get. So here's to the hopes I will get to them tomorrow.

March 20- Thanks to my Dunn's for letting me take a snap of their tree that have new blossoms. Today's challenge "something new" these blossoms are new and they show new life, today is the first day of spring.

Challenge Mar 21 black and white. While we were out at Scheel's I found some black and white fish.

Today's (Mar 22) challenge was stripes. Daniel and I went on a nice long walk together.

Mar 23 challenge- rings. These are two rings that keep me focused on things that matter most!!!

Mar 24 challenge- water. The dripping of water near our garage light. Yes those little lines are drops of rain coming down.

Mar 25- Todays challenge was telephone. Not my favorite snap, but there it is.

Mar 26- Todays snap challenge was floral. Here is one of my newly bloomed tulips. I love spring!!!!!

 Mar 27 challenge- mail. This is all the return to sender mail we've gotten for good ol' Zack. Been here for 3 years and still get a lot of other people's mail.

Mar 28 challenge - circle. Cool light fixture at Panda Express.

Mar 29 challenge- tiny. This little crackers carry a lot of taste. A happy tasty snack.

Mar 30 challenge - cold.  This is the ice I put in my cooler for my lunch.

March 31 Today's challenge GREEN so here is something that grows green, the environmental kind of green.