Sunday, May 18, 2014

Treasure #27- Roses

My sweet Daniel bought me roses in celebration of our being together for 8 years.  I love how these have stripes in them.  Aren't they gorgeous?  I also took these pics with my new camera. . .pretty cool.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Treasure #26- RAIN

I have always loved RAIN!! I was the companion who walked the streets of GA without an umbrella.  I love walking in it, dancing in it, and yes even singing in it!  I don't really know what it is that I love so much about it.  Well, that's not entirely true- I do love the smell of RAIN!!
I love how it's makes things clean and fresh!  I love getting soaked to the bone and just enjoying it drizzle down my face.  Maybe it's because I am from the desert and so rain is a rare and beautiful thing . . . I love the RAIN!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Revamp of the Treasures =]

Okay- so when I first planned to start this blog I had every intention of finding something to take a pic of every day and write how it is a treasure in my life.  I have noticed however that sometimes I am just feeling the pressure- just wanting to check it off my list and I don't feel that everything is as genuine and sincere as I like.  Due to this I am no longer giving myself the daily task.  I want this to be meaningful and insightful to those I love.
So some new stipulations are that NOT every post has to have pictures, and does NOT have to happen daily.
Having said that. . .I feel better about things =]